If you don't reach them first, your competition will.
Baby Boomers are retiring at an alarming rate.
Hair Visions International is helping connect you with the millions of potential clients who
WANT to find you through the My Hair My Way Recruitment Campaign!

Give Your Hair A Future Marketing Package
What is it?
It’s an awareness-building campaign designed for all media aimed mainly at the younger consumer – but it appeals across gender and age demographics.
Specifically, “Give Your Hair a Future” is a full complement of marketing materials that sends a strong message to consumers. The search is on for “hair health” and “hair loss” but what they are really searching for is expert advice. Advice they will get from you.
Give Your Hair a Future is a fact filled message targeting those consumers, delivering the message if you have a healthy scalp and hair, keep it; thinning hair, restore it; hair loss, replace it.

Successful studios pay attention to where clients come from.
YES! I want to learn more about your Give Your Hair A Future Campaign
Call 800-327-5555
to learn more about our exciting marketing package and how it can help you draw more leads from social media.
Give them the message then give them the benefit of your skills.
Two videos for social media use and one :30 for social media or TV customized with your studio name, phone and website suitable for posting on social media platforms or for on-air television.
Six social media video promos suitable for posting on any of your accounts sized to benefit the full available space for Instagram.
Five web banners sized for social media purposes but can be used on any site platform. Please consult with your web designer to ensure sizing is appropriate for your display purposes.
Your initial package includes 100 full-color, tri-folded brochures with an area for you to stamp your studio name and information on the back panel. Additional bundles are sold in 100s.
Tri-fold Brochure
Consistent with the campaign messaging, this points out how important it is to get the right expertise that will help you maintain a great head of hair or understand what your choices are if you’re already experiencing hair loss.
Three Commercial Grade Videos
Package includes your choice of either Commercials A1 or A2, and Commercials B & C.
The other version of Commercial A is available for separate purchasing.
These three commercial-grade videos will be tagged for customization with your salon/studio name, website address and telephone number.
Commercial A1 [:60]
Featuring no products
Commercial B [:60]
Commercial A2 [:60]
Featuring Capilia kits
Commercial C [:30]
Give them the message – and then give them the benefit of your skills.
Call 800-327-5555 to learn more about our exciting marketing package
Here’s another tool to put in your Hair Visions arsenal. You now have the first of several “My Hair My Way” videos we will be producing. This is meant to be an all-purpose message to all audiences:
- Healthy hair and scalp? KEEP it
- If you have scalp problems – FIX them
- If your family suffers from hair loss – PREVENT it
- If you are thinning or balding – REVERSE it
- If you want something different, better – GET it
Call 800-327-5555
to learn more about our exciting marketing package and how it can help you draw more leads from social media.
Six short, dynamic video promos suitable for posting on any of your social media platforms or directly on your own site. These connect powerfully with the younger audience you’re targeting and encourage them to contact you immediately. Click on each of the thumbnails to view the complete video. PLEASE NOTE: These videos are not tagged and rely heavily on your posting description to draw leads to your website for more information about your services.